Hashable will das sein für Menschen, was Foursquare für Orte ist

Hashable will das sein für Menschen, was Foursquare für Orte ist

Hashable is “a mobile-first service that allows you to track relationships,” explains Michael Yavonditte, CEO. “It’s similar to Foursquare in a lot of ways. As Foursquare is to location, Hashable is to people. So when you meet a person, you can say, ‘I’ve run into this person, I’ve met this person, I’ve just had a meeting with this person’. It runs the gamut to breakfast, lunch, dinner, drinks, coffee. Anything that a white-collar professional might do with another person, Hashable gives you a chance to log that event.”

Video (14 min.):


Der Ansatz von Hashable ist jedenfalls seriöser als dieser 😉

Video (2 min.):

via: Michael Völker, thenextweb.com

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