Dass Obama nicht selbst twittert, ist keine Überraschung – schon eher, dass er es nie getan hat

Dass Obama nicht selbst twittert, ist keine Überraschung - schon eher, dass er es nie getan hat

Was ist passiert heute?

Got that? The President went to China, was asked about Twitter and it was streamed live on his Facebook page. How the world has changed. (via RWW)

Was hat Obama gesagt?

Speaking at a town hall in Shanghai, President Obama confessed that while he has an account, he has never actually tweeted (via YouTube)

Warum ist das von Bedeutung?

This is interesting considering the Internet, and social media in particular, was considered a large part of his ascension to the Presidency. Obviously, he had a killer team around him that was able to embrace the web without the then-Senator getting too much involved. Still, it’s somewhat surprising that he never sent any of his own tweets during the primaries. And undoubtedly part of us wants to believe that when you see tweets like “This is history,” which was sent on November 7 — or “Humbled” after he won the Nobel Peace Prize in October, that’s it could the President really sending it. Nope. (via TechCrunch)

Was hat Obama genau gesagt?

Video (1:30 min.)

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